1. 概述¶
China is in Asia. It is a vast and beautiful land.
How calm the sea is!
英语标点符号 | 汉语标点符号 | ||
符号 | 名称 | 符号 | 名称 |
. | period (full stop) | 。 | 句号 |
, | comma | , | 逗号 |
: | colon | : | 冒号 |
; | Semicolon | ; | 分号 |
? | question mark | ? | 问号 |
! | Exclamation mark | ! | 感叹号 |
— | Dash | — | 破折号 |
“ ” ‘ ’ | Quotation marks | “ ” ‘ ’ ﹃ ﹄ | 引号 |
- | Hyphen | 无 | 连字线 |
’ | apostrophe | 无 | 省字符 |
注: 英语标点符号除上述十种外,还有删节号(通常为...)、括号( ( )、[ ]、〈 〉、{ }等)、斜线(/或)、星号(*)、代字号(~)、脱字号(∧)、小记号(√)、斜十字(×)、斜体字以及字下划线等。
2. Full stop(美式英语称period)句号(.)¶
(1). 句号用在一句子的末尾,表示一句话说完后的停顿。句号不但用于陈述句,亦可用于祈使句和疑问句。如:¶
I really don't know. 我确实不知道。(陈述句)
Take it or leave it. 要就要,不要就算。(祈使句)
Will you weigh it, please. 请你称一称它。(不需要对方回答的疑问句)
(2). 用于缩略语、编号的数字和字母后。如:
3. Comma 逗号(,)¶
(1). 在句子里面用于并列的词语之间。如:¶
If you keep calm, take your time, concentrate and think ahead, you'll pass your driving test.
(2). 常用于主句与状语从句或较长的词组之间。如:¶
When a policyholder has a loss, he or she asks for payment from the insurance company.
Discovered in 1789 and isolated from other elements in 1841, uranium is valued as a source of atomic energy.
(4). 用以将引导性词语或转折性词语(如 there fore, however, by the way, for instance, on the contrary)与句子的其余部分隔开。¶
如:In the United States, for example, nodding your hand up and down means“yes”. In the same parts of Green and Turkey, however, this motion can mean”no”。
Every individual cell, whether it exists as an independent microorganism or is part of a complex creature, has its own life circle.
(6). 用于非限定性定语从句或同位短语前后,进一步说明前面的名词或句子。如:¶
The painter lived more than a decade in Europe, where he could be in close contact with other cubists.
(7).有时用以分隔并列复合句(尤指较长的),用于连词(如and ,as,but,for,or)之前。如:¶
The fragrances of many natural substances comes from oils, and this oils may be used in manufacturing perfumes.
(8). 用以将附加疑问句或类似词语与句中其余部分隔开。如:¶
He is an excellent scholar, isn't he? 他是位优秀的学者,是吗?
(9). 在直接引语中作者提示“某某说”之类的词语(如he said, she told, etc.)用逗号与引用语分开。如:¶
“This house is very big and beautiful”, said Fritz. “这所房子又大又漂亮,”弗里茨说。
(10). 引语里面的引语用逗号隔开。如:¶
“When the Judge said, ‘Not guilty’, I could have hugged him.”
(11). 用于表示日期。如:¶
4. Colon 冒号(:)¶
(1). 用以表示一些或一类事物的用语之后或用于说明性的词语(如as follows,in the following manner)之后,用来提起下文各项。如:¶
I can't go on my vacation this summer. The main reasons are as follows: firstly, I have no money; second, I have no time.
Open-pit mining follows the same sequence of operations as underground mining: drilling, blasting, and loading and removing waste and ore.
The garden had been neglected for a long time.
5. Semicolon 分号(;)¶
She wanted to be successful, whatever it might cost; to achieve her goal, whoever might suffers a result.
He couldn't have gone home this weekend; I saw him at the ball game on Saturday and in the library on Sunday. 他这个周末不可能回家;我在周六的球赛中看到了他,而且周日在图书馆也看见了他。
The perfectionist is exacting for the sake of exacting; his approach has little to do with the requirements of a situation.
6. Question mark 问号(?)¶
(1). 用于直接问句末尾。如:¶
where do you live? 你住在什么地方?
May I have a look at your photo? 我可以看你的照片吗?
Louis(1287?-1347)路易四世 (1287?-1347)
7. Exclamation mark(美式英语亦称作 Exclamation point)感叹(!)¶
(1). 用于表示大怒、惊讶、欣喜或其他强烈感情,置于句子或话语的末尾。如:¶
What a fine day! 多好的天气啊!
(2). 在不规范的用法中,有时用不止一个感叹号或一个感号加一个问号。如:¶
“Your wife's just given birth to triplets.” “Triplets!?” “你妻子刚生了三胞胎。”“三胞胎!?”
8. Dash 破折号(—)¶
He is modest, considerate, warm-hearted—he is a good man.
The materials used—copper, stainless steel, concrete and glass—give the building a striking beauty.
9. Quotation marks (英式英语亦称作 Inverted commas)引号(‘ ’ “ ”)¶
(1). 用以表明直接引语中的所有词语和标点符号。如:¶
“What kind of computer did you buy?” she asked.“你买了一种什么样的计算机?”她问道。
(2). 用以引起对文中某特殊词语的注意(如术语或俚语或为某种效果而使用的词语)。如:¶
The“Little Ice Age”was a period of unsettled weather that lasted from the mid-sixteenth to the early eighteenth century.
(3). 用以表明文章、短诗歌、广播及电视节目等的名称。如:¶
I was watching “Soccer Night”.我正在看“足球之夜”。
(4). 用以表明短小的引语或谚语。如:¶
Do you know the origin of the saying “the love of money is the root of all evil”.
10. Hyphen 连接号(-)¶
(2). (尤用于英式英语)有时以隔开某些带前缀的词,这些前缀的尾字母与后面连接词的首字母为同一元音。如:¶
They man who makes no mistakes does not usually make any-thing.
11. Apostrophe 撇号,省略号,名词所有格符号(')¶
(1). 与s连用表示所有格。如:¶
the cat’s tail 猫的尾巴(单数名词) the princess’s smile 公主的微笑(以s结尾的单数名词)
Dickens’novels OR Dickens’novel 狄更斯的小说 (以s结尾的专有名词)
all the students’books 所有学生的书(以s结尾的复数名词)
the women’s cosmatics 女人的化妆品(不规则的复数名词)